The Merri Creek waterways in the land of the Wurundjeri people have been our salvation during the ups and downs of lockdown. We spent a beautiful morning with dancer, Andrew Steen celebrating this increible trail running through Naarm (Melbourne’s North).〰️
On what he does…
I am a performer first and foremost, with a passion for movement and singing from my younger years, I was inspired to be on stage, so I am currently undertaking full time study in dance.
“Generally I would say being outside, nature feels like the most powerful thing to me when I’m stuck or want to feel encouraged. The way each part is unique yet everything works harmoniously together, it is how I would like to imagine my process.”
On his daily rituals…
Coffee, every day starts with coffee. Then breath work, it helps to calm the mind and set the day toward good flow. I usually try and connect to breath when I first start moving, so when I walk to the tram I’m thinking about deep and clear breaths.
Rituals for creativity & inspiration...
To be creative I find structure really helpful, time blocking & objectives set in place. Not to be rigid but to ensure that I feel productive and am able to move forward with whatever I am working on.
I find imagery always helps inspire me, creating a story board brings me into the world of what I want to create. Adding a sound track, or some kind of audio alongside an aroma brings the whole process to a peak for me.
Rituals to rejuvenate...
For me it is singing in the shower that brings me back to life, there is something about the acoustics and the freedom I always feel so full after being loud and using my voice there. Perhaps it's silly, but that is often the only time that I have to myself.
Rituals for productivity & organisation…
Time blocking, again. Setting aside time for each task always keeps me focused and on track. Accountable even! Organisation works best for me when I give myself time to plan, time block a time to time block!
On his favourite memory…
This is difficult to answer, I feel like I don’t have a favourite memory rather ones that feel important and have shaped who I am today. There is always something significant about getting on stage with a piece for the first time, the first show, the first time an audience sees what you have been working on. The adrenaline is so powerful and exhilarating.
Where he draws inspiration from…
Generally I would say being outside, nature feels like the most powerful thing to me when I’m stuck or want to feel encouraged. The way each part is unique yet everything works harmoniously together, it is how I would like to imagine my process.